Cosmetology Apprenticeship

Beauology offers a starting point to a professional career in Cosmetology through Apprenticeship. If you love beauty work and are interested in starting a career in cosmetology then contact us.

The flowchart below shows the Cosmetology Apprenticeship program flow and timelines.

Cosmetology Apprenticeship Program Flowchart

As an apprentice get trained in professional cosmetology to receive your Cosmetologist license with a two yearearn while you learn’ and ‘pay as you go’ program.

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  • Be at least 16 years of age and have completed the 10th grade or its equivalency.
  • Have a valid social security (SSN) or tax payer identification (TIN) number.
  • Have a valid government issued photo ID.
  • Commit to working 32 hours per week for two years.
  • Attend a 6 hour theory class every Tuesday.
  • Optional - Eyebrow Threading skill.

    ‘Earn while you Learn’ and ‘Pay as you Go’

    • Work 32 hours per week. Get paid $16+ per hour.
    • The weekly once 6 hour theory class costs $234. Pay at each class start.
    • Gross earnings from 3200 training hours is at least $51,200. The total cost of theory classes is about $10,000. Unlike beauty school the apprenticeship program puts money in your pocket!

      Roadmap to License

      1. Complete Beauology Apprenticeship Agreement.
      2. Do 42 Hours (unpaid time) of Pre-Apprentice Training.
      3. Get Apprentice License from the State Board.
      4. Do 222 Hours (unpaid time) of Required Supplemental Instruction (theory class).
      5. Do 3200 Hours (paid time) of On the Job Training at Beauology or any other authorized Establishment.
      6. Pass State Board License Exam.

        Why choose Beauology?

        • We love beauty work. If you love beauty work too then our Apprenticeship program is a stepping stone to a joyous professional career. Happiness, Education, and Service, are our guiding values.
        • Beauology offers a team based supportive work environment.
        • We believe in doing it right and not cutting corners.


          Q1. How is Cosmetology Apprenticeship different from Beauty School?
          Professional beauty work in CA requires a cosmetology license. Beauty School and Cosmetology Apprenticeship both offer a path to getting the license but differ in significant ways as shown in the table below.
          Beauty School Cosmetology Apprenticeship
          Program Duration 1000 hours 3200 hours
          Income No Yes
          Job Ready upon Graduation No Yes


          Q2. Can I do the Apprentice training at a different salon and theory classes at Beauology?

          Yes, an you can do the theory (RSI) classes every Tuesday at Beauology and then work as an apprentice at another salon for at least 32 hours a week.


          Q3. Can I do the theory classes over Zoom?

          At present we do not offer the online option for the theory classes required for Apprenticeship.