Apprenticeship FAQ

Q1. How is Cosmetology Apprenticeship different from Beauty School?

Professional beauty work in CA requires a cosmetology license. Beauty School and Cosmetology Apprenticeship both offer a path to getting the license but differ in significant ways as shown in the table below.
Beauty School Cosmetology Apprenticeship
Program Duration 1000 hours 3200 hours
Income No Yes
Job Ready upon Graduation No Yes


Q2. Can I do the Apprentice training at a different salon and theory classes at Beauology?

Yes, an you can do the theory (RSI) classes every Tuesday at Beauology and then work as an apprentice at another salon for at least 32 hours a week.


Q3. Can I do the theory classes over Zoom?

At present we do not offer the online option for the theory classes required for Apprenticeship.


Q4. Do you offer any discounts on the theory class fee?

Yes,  we discount the fee for theory classes based on the amount of our time and effort required to administer and monitor your training. The standard fee for the six-hour class is $234. Contact us to know the fee discount for your situation.